Blend News

Blend News

Blend News

UX Project in News Reliability

INFO: Created for my Experience Design class using primarily Figma, and Photoshop for the mockups.

INFO: Created for my Experience Design class using primarily Figma, and Photoshop for the mockups.

The Problem

The Problem

The Problem

  • An estimated 71% of young adults get news daily from social media

  • Following the news with multiple applications is a hassle, draining, and pushes people back to social media.

  • Dedicated news apps are messy, confusing, filled with clickbait, and inferior to most social media interfaces.

  • News sources are biased most of the time, and crosschecking sources is a pain. 

  • An estimated 71% of young adults get news daily from social media

  • Following the news with multiple applications is a hassle, draining, and pushes people back to social media.

  • Dedicated news apps are messy, confusing, filled with clickbait, and inferior to most social media interfaces.

  • News sources are biased most of the time, and crosschecking sources is a pain. 



Apple, Google, Facebook all have their respective news sources.



Person 1

  • 20-25hrs/week on phone

  • No traditional news sources

  • Convenience motivates social media use

  • Actively engages with content

  • Prefer video format & algorithmic content

Person 2

  • 30hrs/week on phone

  • Some traditional news sources

  • Ease of use motivates social media use

  • Does not engage with content, view only

  • Prefer text format & self organized content

Person 3

  • 34hrs/week on phone

  • Follows traditional news on social media

  • Quickness motivates social media use

  • Rarely engages with content

  • Prefer article format & self organized content

Research Takeaways

Research Takeaways

Ease of Use is #1

Clickbait and Doom scrolling is a pain point

Varying preferences about how they consume content

Every candidate felt they spend too much time on their phone

Navigation & Customization is paramount

Irrelevant info will make the user leave

Ease of Use is #1

Clickbait and Doom scrolling is a pain point

Varying preferences about how they consume content

Every candidate felt they spend too much time on their phone

Navigation & Customization is paramount

Irrelevant info will make the user leave

How Might We?

How Might We?

Provide an unbiased source of news that is easily crosschecked?

Solve the problem of clickbait headlines?

Make reading the news more enjoyable and engaging?

Provide an unbiased source of news that is easily crosschecked?

Solve the problem of clickbait headlines?

Make reading the news more enjoyable and engaging?

Mid Fidelity Prototyping

Mid Fidelity Prototyping

Feedback From Prototype

Feedback From Prototype

To provide an application that allows users to view news stories and follow topics, but also quickly switch between sources and different perspectives to get the most balanced, user friendly, and all around news experience.

To provide an application that allows users to view news stories and follow topics, but also quickly switch between sources and different perspectives to get the most balanced, user friendly, and all around news experience.



Blend News

Blend News


“Blend News” provides the solution to the current painful user experience of keeping up with current, correct, meaningful news by providing an all in one application that promotes neutrality with a customizable topic based viewing experience.

“Blend News” provides the solution to the current painful user experience of keeping up with current, correct, meaningful news by providing an all in one application that promotes neutrality with a customizable topic based viewing experience.

Thank You!

Thank You!



